Saturday, 21 November 2009

Black Jack

People have so many selves

they shuffle them round like cards in a deck.

She’ll say ‘pick a card, any card’

and you’ll take a chance, make a bet,

try to get her Queen of Hearts.

But its hidden too well,

you end up with the joker instead,

and by then its too late.

The black souled jack waits grinning.

He’s already dug your grave with his spade.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Soup Spoon

Summer has gone

the stunted days darken into

round silver moons

the soup spoon kisses

our mouths when we’re apart.

Stomachs full

my softness circles yours

dipping into you as we lie in bed

round as spoons

Saturday, 7 November 2009



She’s lost her centre again.

A broken mirror, she fragments out,

a galaxy throwing out its arms

unravelling stars from lips and hair

Feathering the air with light,

The whole world inside its dark broken heart.


The smashed mirror sent out a galaxy of glass,

reflecting your face from its broken mess.

My fingers are drawn towards the fractured

shards of your eyes, your lip’s sharpened edge.

No less beautiful fragmented.